About deMonNano

deMonNano is a software package to perform density functional theory based tight binding calculations. It is part of the deMon (density of Montréal) suite of programs.

The present version of the code of deMon for DFT is now known as deMon2k. This code and general information about deMon are available at http://www.demon-software.com

Developers : M. Rapacioli, T. Heine, L. Dontot, M. Yusef Buey, E. Posenitskiy, N. Tarrat, F. Spiegelman, F. Louisnard, C. Marti, J. Cuny, M. Morinière, C. Dubosq, S. Patchkovskii, J. Frenzel, E. Michoulier, H. Duarte, L. Zchekhov, D. Salahub

Contact : M. Rapacioli